Freak Audio Lab - Confusion To The Enemy (Playthrough)

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Published at : September 28, 2021

Being a tad "lazy" and posting a re-edited version of Confusion To The Enemy from a previous Freak Audio Lab video as I am preparing for the release of Growing Your Own Moustache IX October 1st.

It was time for a song from the Confusion album in the cycle of playthroughs anyway and it is one of my favorite tunes in the catalogue, so...


Album: Confusion To The Enemy

Tuning: Standard E tuning with low A (7th string) and E (8th string). (See:

Guitar: Apple Horn 8

Freak Audio Lab Voice Bot: Dave O'Leary

Confusion To The Enemy

I am sorry about the mess here
I've been busy being dead
Busy being dead

Freshen up the carbon oxide
While I calibrate my head
Calibrate my head

A proper maniac
Take the lemons back

Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy

You look stupid in that jumpsuit
That bone structure is a joke
Is everything a joke?

Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy

Let the tests begin
Pump the air back in

Your parents do not love you
Good news, neither do I

I will laminate your skeleton
Pose you in the lobby
When you die

Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy
Confusion to the enemy Freak Audio Lab - Confusion To The Enemy (Playthrough)
Confusion to the enemyMattias IA EklundhFreak Audio Lab