Frydenberg: ‘We have done an enormous amount' to support Victoria during the pandemic

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Published at : September 23, 2021

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says while the Morrison government has offered assistance to Victoria following the 5.9 magnitude earthquake, he has declined a request for additional funding for the state’s construction sector during the two-week shutdown.

“I did speak to my counterpart Tim Pallas, who I have a good constructive working relationship with, and he did ask for some additional money for the construction sector,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“But I made very clear to him that we’ve already provided very significant funding to Victoria, including the COVID disaster payment where we pick up the bill.

“And around $200 billion has already been made available to 570,000 people in Victoria, including those who may be affected by the construction industry interruption.” Frydenberg: ‘We have done an enormous amount' to support Victoria during the pandemic