Playing without hands: new digital instruments for accessible music
Published at : September 29, 2021
The Laboratory of computer science of the University of Milan, is developing since 2018 a project on accessible musical instruments. With the use of modern electronic sensors, partly developed ad hoc, these instruments are usable by users with significant motor disabilities as they can be played without the use of hands, unlike most of the traditional acoustic instruments. In this event, the researchers of the Laboratory will present musical instruments that work through the eye movement, pressure of the head or harmonic resonances inside the mouth. The instruments will play "through" the ReSonance Piano, an innovative instrument from Ciresa, which allows you to produce sounds through the sole vibration of its soundboards in Val di Fiemme spruce, giving a "natural" and "analog" voice to the audio signals received from digital instruments such as keyboards or synths.
Organization: Università Statale di Milano - Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale & ReSonance Piano - by Ciresa - CremonaFiere
Organization: Università Statale di Milano - Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale & ReSonance Piano - by Ciresa - CremonaFiere

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