Do you know that Andromeda Galaxy is colliding with Milky-way in the future?

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Published at : October 21, 2021

ක්ෂීරපථයටත් වඩා විශාල ඇන්ඩ්‍රොමීඩා චක්‍රාවාටය අනාගතයේදී ක්ෂීරපථයත් සමඟ ගැටීමට නියමිතයි. එම සිදුවීම සහ එයින් අපට බලපෑමක් ඇතිවේද යන්න ගැන මෙයින් විස්තර වනවා. Do you know that Andromeda is colliding with Milky-way in the future. Andromeda collision with milkyway. Andromeda colliding with Milky-way. galaxy collisions. galaxy mergers. Andromeda and milky-way merger. Milkomeda galaxy. astronomy sinhala. science sinhala. sinhala science video. physics sinhala. vishwaya sinhalen. #astronomysinhala #sciencesinhala #educationsinhala #physicssinhala

Credit should go to,
NASA; ESA; A. Feild and R. van der Marel, STScI
NASA; ESA; Z. Levay and R. van der Marel, STScI; T. Hallas, and A. Mellinger Do you know that Andromeda Galaxy is colliding with Milky-way in the future?
sauragraha mandalaya sinhalaAliensvishwaya