Effective way to get rid of bodies.

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Published at : October 23, 2021

0:00 Effective way to get rid of bodies in Project Zomboid.
Did you know that in in Project zomboid, you can get rid of bodies by digging graves? First, select the area thatn you want the grave to be. Once you have an area, go and grab the corpse you want to bury. By equipping a shovel and right-clicking on a piece of grass or dirt, you are given the option to dig a grave. Right-click the grave you will see an option to Bury Corpse. You can bury a total of 5 corpses in each grave, which is good if you have more bodies you need to get rid of.

IWBUMS Build 41.55

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#projectzomboid #zomboid #build41 #shorts #meme Effective way to get rid of bodies.
Effective way to get rid of bodies.project zomboidproject zomboid multiplayer