Federal Judge Shoots Down Trump's Attempt To Get Back On Twitter

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Published at : October 29, 2021

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A federal judge poured cold water on Donald Trump's attempts to get back on Twitter this week when he ruled that the former President wasn't immune to the terms and conditions of the social media platform. Trump's lawyers had tried to argue that since he was president when he was banned, he shouldn't have been subjected to the same conditions as everyone else, but the judge wasn't buying that argument at all. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what happened.

Link - https://www.businessinsider.com/florida-federal-judge-trumps-president-status-not-exempt-twitters-terms-2021-10

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

A federal judge in Florida this week poured cold water on Donald Trump's hopes of ever getting back on Twitter. After he ruled that being the president of the United States does not exempt Donald Trump's from the terms of service that he agreed to. When he signed up for Twitter. Now Trump's lawyers had gone to court and they said, listen, he was suspended while he was a sitting president of the United States. And as a sitting president of the United States, he doesn't have to adhere to the rules. So once again, we have Donald Trump having a legal team. That's trying to go out there and say like, oh no, no, no, no, no, no. He is above the law. I think that's a part of the story. A lot of people have overlooked so far. His lawyers went to court and tried to argue that he doesn't have to abide by the law by contract law because he was president of the United States.

And the judge said, Hey, it doesn't matter if he's president of the United States, he agreed to the terms of service. He signed a contract, which is what you do when you sign up for these social media sites or really sign up for anything at all. And therefore being president does not exempt him from that. So the case is now moving to California, which is exactly what Donald Trump had wanted to prevent. When you sign up for Twitter's terms of service, there is a clause in there that I'm sure nobody reads. I know I didn't read it, but it says, if you have any kind of legal dispute, a dispute, excuse me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You got to do it in California. That's where Twitter is based. They have venue selection. And so if you Sue them, it has to be over in California. Donald Trump sued them from the state of Florida, which is where he has resided since, uh, not being president anymore.

And he thought he could keep the case here. And the reason that was so important for him is because he is the one who basically wanted to have home field advantage because Florida judges down here are far more conservative than what you're going to find over there in California. That's just a basic fact. And now he has to pack it all up, head on over to California if he ever wants to get on Twitter again. But again, right now, things aren't looking so good for him with the one judge already saying you're not exempt from the terms of service. That kind of means that he agreed to abide by the rules. And if Twitter chooses to kick him off, they have the right to do that. And Trump agreed to do that. So I would say off the bat, he is already lost this particular lawsuit, but it also makes me wonder too. Why are you fighting this one so hard? Like, why are you so desperate to get back on Twitter when you just launched your own social media company a week ago? Right? Truth social. It doesn't show investors

That you have a lot of confidence in your own product. If you're desperately suing to get back on a competing product, right? I don't, I wouldn't dump my money in something where the guy running it is trying to get on board with a different project. Doesn't exactly seem like a wise investment at this point, but nevertheless, Donald Trump desperately wants to get back on Twitter. Federal Judge Shoots Down Trump's Attempt To Get Back On Twitter
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