Germany: 'We've taken 40 off the grounds' - police spox on 'Kopi' eviction

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Published at : October 21, 2021

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Police press officer Anja Dierschke said that 40 people had been led away from the area where 2,000 police were involved with the eviction of the Berlin Kopi caravan park, on Friday.

Individuals could be seen in tree branches as a large number of police officers in riot gear entered the area. Various arrests could be seen.

"Three persons are still on trees and remain there," Dierschke added.

Kopi Platz was a caravan park that has housed over 50 people for decades. The car park was occupied first in 1990 alongside the adjoining building, which is the famous Kopi squat. The Kopi squat is not in immediate danger of eviction.


SOT, Anja Dierschke, Head of Berlin police press office (German): "The Berlin police are deployed here today with just about 2,000 officers. Of those, 700 colleagues are from seven supporting federal states together with the federal police here at our side. The reason for the deployment is a request for administrative assistance that was issued to the Berlin police, for bailiffs, with a court-ordered eviction order for this area behind us."

SOT, Anja Dierschke, Head of Berlin police press office (German): "The bailiff had initially obtained an overview and when it was clear that she would not get access to the area, the Berlin police forces started to dismantle the fencing in some places with heavy equipment and various tools. Currently it can be said that the emergency forces are on the entire area, the security is established. We have already been able to lead more than 40 people off the grounds and identify them. Three persons are still on trees and remain there."

SOT, Anja Dierschke, Head of Berlin police press office (German): "So far, there have also been arrests in the surrounding area here at the demonstrations and on the area, in the low double digits - this will not be the end. The demonstration is still going on and there have also been arrests on the grounds, because the forces here have been attacked with bottles and stones and even with a fire extinguisher."

SOT, Anja Dierschke, Head of Berlin police press office (German): "The bottom line, as of now is a positive one for the Berlin police, the operation has gone according to plan, the site can now be taken over by the bailiff, who will then execute the court order and safely hand over the site to the owner, who will then be responsible for securing the site on his own."

#KopiBerlin #Berlin #Germany

Video ID: 20211015-039

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Facebook: Germany: 'We've taken 40 off the grounds' - police spox on 'Kopi' eviction
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