How to use "affix" in a sentence - "affix" sentence examples with pronunciation

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Published at : October 22, 2021

Learn how to use "affix" in a sentence. If you have been looking for the Short & Simple Example Sentence For "affix" or affix in sentence examples with Audio Pronunciation, then you are right here.
When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word "affix" But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there’s a better way for you to learn meaning and pronunciation of "affix" through sentence examples.
If you learn whole sentences with "affix", instead of the word "affix" by itself, you can learn a lot faster!

#1: rather than to the staple strands, you affix them to the tiles
#2: take it to liberty island, to what i believe you call the bridge, and affix it to the control panel on the machine.
#3: What other way to affix to the cross is there
#4: Make sure to affix a screen cover to your iPhone to protect it from getting scratched.
#5: I plan to affix a stamp on every one of the hundreds of envelopes that we need to mail out.
#6: We could not believe that the pharmacist was using Elmer’s glue to affix the labels to the bottles.
#7: We wondered why the republican nominee failed to affix an American flag pin to his lapel for the debate.
#8: The Colorado Secretary of State alone is authorized to affix the Great Seal of Colorado to any document whatsoever.
#9: We could not go ahead with the sale because the buyer refused to affix his signature to the contract without contacting his lawyers first.
#10: rather than to the staple strands, you affix them to the tiles

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#affix_pronunciation How to use "affix" in a sentence - "affix" sentence examples with pronunciation
affix in sentenceaffix in a sentenceuse affix in a sentence