I made a customer cry at my Local Fish Store...
Published at : October 08, 2021
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🐟 CHECK OUT AQUARIUM CO-OP: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/
🙏 My Personal Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/chrisforthought
❤️ Fishkeeping Community Website https://petscord.com/
🔥 MERCH https://bit.ly/387qObi
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📷 FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/chrisforthought/
►► Fishkeeping 101: The Complete Guide https://FishKeepingAcademy.thinkific.com/
MVP Patron: Cranium Rex
Challenger Patrons: Cassandra Jewell | Knitter4years | Andrew Comeau | Bruxie Meyer | Abdulla Bin Tamim | Cathy Lew | Ryuu Lavitz | BettaCurls | Christine Springs | Onurbound | Gavin Kish | Titus Colvin
Adventurer Patrons: Kelvin Ortiz | Max | Nicholas Page | Penelope Zukowski | Claycee Alston | Katerina Brewer | Bella Nguyen | Shin Sekai | Bubbis not chubby | Bekah Harrison | Tevis Frost | Rufus Dufus | Gavin | Bekka | Huitzy Gomez
Thank you to Patrons of all levels for making it possible to create new content for Fish For Thought 💗
►► AFFORDABLE AQUARIUM PLANTS https://bit.ly/38LeSwi
SAVE 10% with promo code "FFT"
UNS Fish Tanks https://bit.ly/3k8FCMq
Best Plant Lights https://bit.ly/2UqSjcp
Amazing Hardscape https://bit.ly/2VV9hk7
Aquarium Plants *("FFT" for 10% off)* https://bit.ly/3xPyPfe
CO2 Equipment https://bit.ly/3xSgYnT
Aquascaping Tools https://bit.ly/3gaVAEw
Filters & Lily Pipes https://bit.ly/3srmixF
Fertilized Substrate https://bit.ly/3mbYUTq
BEST LED lights in price range https://amzn.to/2QDXwr3
BEST clip-on LED lights in price range https://amzn.to/3fG1fQ0
Favorite Canister Filter https://amzn.to/3dPyCCi
Water Clarifier https://amzn.to/2O6bkgC
Light Timer http://amzn.to/2DR0aXp
Liquid Fertilizer http://amzn.to/2rTNEAO
Fluval substrate for planted tank http://amzn.to/2rUaTe0
Camera https://amzn.to/3ACPeGn
Vlogging Phone https://amzn.to/3ihQc0M
Best Value + Quality Tripod https://amzn.to/2LtGuNc
USB Mic https://amzn.to/2V9JgKk
Video Lighting https://amzn.to/2yYtlpH
This video may be sponsored by Aquarium Coop and contain sponsored product ads.
Using the affiliate links above is no extra cost to you, and is convenient and lets you know what I support and use myself. I make a small commission, so it's also a nice way to support the channel! Thank you.
BGM found in my videos:
Any use of Minecraft BGM, credit goes to Minecraft's music creator C418
Remixes by OSRSbeatz | Atlas Eyes | Holder
Business Inquiries: FishForThoughtChannel(at)Gmail.com
🐟 CHECK OUT AQUARIUM CO-OP: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/
🙏 My Personal Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/chrisforthought
❤️ Fishkeeping Community Website https://petscord.com/
🔥 MERCH https://bit.ly/387qObi
【Become a Patron today】 https://www.patreon.com/FishForThought
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✰ Petscord Username Icon
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✰ FREE U.S. Shipping on ALL MERCH (or 15% OFF)
✰ All FFT Merch Designs (available for download/ print)
✰ Instagram Primary DM
✰ Description Shoutouts
📷 FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/chrisforthought/
►► Fishkeeping 101: The Complete Guide https://FishKeepingAcademy.thinkific.com/
MVP Patron: Cranium Rex
Challenger Patrons: Cassandra Jewell | Knitter4years | Andrew Comeau | Bruxie Meyer | Abdulla Bin Tamim | Cathy Lew | Ryuu Lavitz | BettaCurls | Christine Springs | Onurbound | Gavin Kish | Titus Colvin
Adventurer Patrons: Kelvin Ortiz | Max | Nicholas Page | Penelope Zukowski | Claycee Alston | Katerina Brewer | Bella Nguyen | Shin Sekai | Bubbis not chubby | Bekah Harrison | Tevis Frost | Rufus Dufus | Gavin | Bekka | Huitzy Gomez
Thank you to Patrons of all levels for making it possible to create new content for Fish For Thought 💗
►► AFFORDABLE AQUARIUM PLANTS https://bit.ly/38LeSwi
SAVE 10% with promo code "FFT"
UNS Fish Tanks https://bit.ly/3k8FCMq
Best Plant Lights https://bit.ly/2UqSjcp
Amazing Hardscape https://bit.ly/2VV9hk7
Aquarium Plants *("FFT" for 10% off)* https://bit.ly/3xPyPfe
CO2 Equipment https://bit.ly/3xSgYnT
Aquascaping Tools https://bit.ly/3gaVAEw
Filters & Lily Pipes https://bit.ly/3srmixF
Fertilized Substrate https://bit.ly/3mbYUTq
BEST LED lights in price range https://amzn.to/2QDXwr3
BEST clip-on LED lights in price range https://amzn.to/3fG1fQ0
Favorite Canister Filter https://amzn.to/3dPyCCi
Water Clarifier https://amzn.to/2O6bkgC
Light Timer http://amzn.to/2DR0aXp
Liquid Fertilizer http://amzn.to/2rTNEAO
Fluval substrate for planted tank http://amzn.to/2rUaTe0
Camera https://amzn.to/3ACPeGn
Vlogging Phone https://amzn.to/3ihQc0M
Best Value + Quality Tripod https://amzn.to/2LtGuNc
USB Mic https://amzn.to/2V9JgKk
Video Lighting https://amzn.to/2yYtlpH
This video may be sponsored by Aquarium Coop and contain sponsored product ads.
Using the affiliate links above is no extra cost to you, and is convenient and lets you know what I support and use myself. I make a small commission, so it's also a nice way to support the channel! Thank you.
BGM found in my videos:
Any use of Minecraft BGM, credit goes to Minecraft's music creator C418
Remixes by OSRSbeatz | Atlas Eyes | Holder
Business Inquiries: FishForThoughtChannel(at)Gmail.com

fishfish tankaquarium