How use Warning TGSIs (Tactiles) when a Motorists Vision is obstructed?
Published at : November 30, 2021
This Staebl.academy learning session will cover the use of Warning TGSIs (Tactiles) on Carriageways, where and when a Motorists Vision is obstructed. For the orientation of persons who are blind or vision impaired, applying this knowledge enables us to determine how to use TGSIs and conform to the specifications of the Australian TGSI standards.
For full details visit:
Course creator and presenter Dean Homicki will walk you through an Introductory course on Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) - The why what and who of TGSI’s (Tactiles). Dean freely shares his hands-on insight about TGSIs, drawing from his collective professional experiences specifically in Australia, but also from around the world.
With more than 25+ years of product design, manufacturing, installation, and consulting for Dean to stand upon, this foundation course will supply deep insight into Australian TGSIs in the architectural and construction industry.
Click SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel if you would like to see the Mobility Access Design Library spread amongst your colleagues and friends.
Staebl Academy is a design project and made by Dean Homicki. It challenges our thinking by reviewing Design, Products, People, information, and design process with regulations and standards. Staebl Academy's first product is The Mobility Access Design Library, which is practical and informative, focusing on the why what, and how to design and service inclusive built environments.
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Learn more:
Mobility Access Design Library
MICKIMEDIA Design and Marketing Agency
Email me: dean@staebl.academy
Dean Homicki 2021
Dean Homicki is an Affiliate Member of (ACAA)
Association of Consultants in Access, Australia Inc
This Staebl.academy learning session will cover the use of Warning TGSIs (Tactiles) on Carriageways, where and when a Motorists Vision is obstructed. For the orientation of persons who are blind or vision impaired, applying this knowledge enables us to determine how to use TGSIs and conform to the specifications of the Australian TGSI standards.
For full details visit:
Course creator and presenter Dean Homicki will walk you through an Introductory course on Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) - The why what and who of TGSI’s (Tactiles). Dean freely shares his hands-on insight about TGSIs, drawing from his collective professional experiences specifically in Australia, but also from around the world.
With more than 25+ years of product design, manufacturing, installation, and consulting for Dean to stand upon, this foundation course will supply deep insight into Australian TGSIs in the architectural and construction industry.
Click SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel if you would like to see the Mobility Access Design Library spread amongst your colleagues and friends.
Staebl Academy is a design project and made by Dean Homicki. It challenges our thinking by reviewing Design, Products, People, information, and design process with regulations and standards. Staebl Academy's first product is The Mobility Access Design Library, which is practical and informative, focusing on the why what, and how to design and service inclusive built environments.
Thanks for watching.
Please subscribe and share.
Learn more:
Mobility Access Design Library
MICKIMEDIA Design and Marketing Agency
Email me: dean@staebl.academy
Dean Homicki 2021
Dean Homicki is an Affiliate Member of (ACAA)
Association of Consultants in Access, Australia Inc

StaeblStaebl AcademyMobility