12 December 2021 | Prepare Produce fruit in keeping with repentance | English Service

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Published at : December 18, 2021

#stmichaelchurchsdk #smceng

Dear Brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The Lord be with you.

Luke 3:8 – Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. To produce fruit means hard work and not giving up. There will be actions that needs to be taken when we want to produce fruit. This Sunday we will learn from Luke 3:7-16 on Producing fruit and proof that we have repented of our sins. We need to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord. We will learn on the warning given by John the Baptist, actions that we need to do while waiting for the coming of the Lord.. Let us give our response to Jesus and prepare our hearts to listen and act on His Word. Allow God speak to us and we respond with repentance and grow in His Word.

The English Worship service this Sunday will be live-stream. It will begin at 7.15am.

Have a blessed Sunday.

Worship Service (12 December 2021)
1. Opening Hymn: O Little Town of Bethlehem
2. Greeting
3. P&W
4. Collect of the Day
5. Bible Reading: PHILIPPIANS 4:4-7, LUKE 3:7-16
6. Sermon
7. Nicene Creed
8. Announcement
9. Intercession
10. The Confession
11. The Absolution
12. The Lord’s Prayer
13. The Blessing
14. Closing Hymn: Angels We Have Heard on High

Alliance Bank
The Parish of St Michael & All Angels
101 3200 1001 6890

Link to BOOST.

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Music in this video:

#Intro Hymn
Title: O Little Town of Bethlehem
Author: Phillips Brooks (1868)
Copyright: Public Domain

#Praise & Worship
1. Title: Come On And Celebrate
Artist: Quintin Delport, Children's Choir
Album: Blessed Be Your Name
Licensed to YouTube by: [Merlin] Absolute Label Services (on behalf of Integrity Music); Polaris Hub AB, Adorando Brazil, Capitol CMG Publishing, and 9 Music Rights Societies

2.Title: Your Name (Christmas version)
Artist: Paul Baloche
Album: Christmas Worship
Licensed to YouTube by: [Merlin] Absolute Label Services (on behalf of Integrity Music); Polaris Hub AB, LatinAutor, Adorando Brazil, LatinAutor - UMPG, Integrity Music Publishing, Adorando Publishing, ASCAP, LatinAutorPerf, and 10 Music Rights Societies

#Closing Hymn
Title: Angels We Have Heard on High
Source: Traditional French carol, 18th cent.
Copyright: Public Domain 12 December 2021 | Prepare Produce fruit in keeping with repentance | English Service