Walker Scobell Constantly Tried to Scare His 'The Adam Project' Co-Star Ryan Reynolds

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Published at : April 06, 2022

Ellen welcomed Walker Scobell, the 13-year-old breakout star of “The Adam Project." He made his acting debut playing Ryan Reynolds' younger self, and explained that he was nervous around Ryan at first, but then warmed up to him enough to scare him constantly on set. The young actor also talked about how he lost a few teeth while filming the movie.

#WalkerScobell #Ellen #TheEllenShow #EllenDeGeneres

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Walker Scobell Constantly Tried to Scare His 'The Adam Project' Co-Star Ryan Reynolds
https://youtu.be/w85ItmCclvs Walker Scobell Constantly Tried to Scare His 'The Adam Project' Co-Star Ryan Reynolds
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