Secret of The Rosary - Part 1; Thirty ninth Rose - Parish Transformed
Published at : December 14, 2022
Please say a Hail Mary for this apostolate, my parish, family and me.
Link to the benefits and obligations of the Confraternity of the Rosary: https://rosarycenter.org/confraternity-obligations-benefits-and-promises
To enroll in the Rosary Confraternity check my channel about page or click the link: https://rosarycenter.org/enroll-in-th...
The tl;dr is say one Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious each week and receive a rosary for your intentions from ever other member the world over and in heaven...
God Bless and our Lady Protect you.
Link to the benefits and obligations of the Confraternity of the Rosary: https://rosarycenter.org/confraternity-obligations-benefits-and-promises
To enroll in the Rosary Confraternity check my channel about page or click the link: https://rosarycenter.org/enroll-in-th...
The tl;dr is say one Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious each week and receive a rosary for your intentions from ever other member the world over and in heaven...
God Bless and our Lady Protect you.
