👑💎Prophetic Word❤️to💕”Instantaneously!”💎👑
Published at : February 10, 2023
👑💎Prophetic Word ❤️To 💕”Instantaneously !”💎👑
Itsallaboutwinningsouls#ToGodbealltheGlory#RevealingtheTrueYou#LifeTrialsandTriumphs 💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑
Jer 11:11Scripture
As the Lord lays It upon your heart ❤️ to sow Into this Ministry:
Cash App: $BreMillioneress
PayPal: Millioneressbre49@yahoo.com
RevealingTheTrueYou: LifeTrialsAndTriumphs Book 📚 https://www.amazon.com/Life-Trials-Triumphs-Revealing-True/dp/1639725121/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1QLT7POHIVI0X&keywords=revealing+the+true+you+life+trials+and+triumphs&qid=1664218013&qu=eyJxc2MiOiItMC4wMSIsInFzYSI6IjAuMDAiLCJxc3AiOiIwLjAwIn0%3D&sprefix=%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1
For prayer requests send email to: crownofgloryministries50@yahoo.com
Thank you so much to all of my New Subscribers Gods Bless you and welcome 🙏 to the family and if you have not subscribed we would love to have you come and join us to get an encouraging and edifying word on a daily basis. Like, share, and subscribe you guys, and Hit the bell 🛎 noti to get notifications each time I upload a video. Love you all and Many Blessings! Shalom
Salvation Prayer 🙏
Dear Lord Jesus,
Forgive me of my sins those that are known and unknown, and I repent of my sins. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose on the 3rd day. Come into my heart ❤️ I make you my Lord and my personal savior.
If you prayed this prayer 🙏 welcome 🤗 to salvation and to the Christian life and May the Lord Bless you! Get in a Bible based church ⛪️ where you can fellowship amongst other believers.
Subscribe to my new channel! I will be uploading some great content soon starting now! https://youtube.com/channel/UC4hHj8gkZYJzLBk_VsmAye
This is how it all started you guys! So answered the call to go back to the root of the beginning! Check out my podcasts on Spreaker.com link to my podcasts below: www.spreaker.com/cms/shows?filter=network=14703213
Check out items on my facebook page: www.facebook.com/Uniquely-Embellished
Check out my items on PoshMark: UniquelyEmbellished@123danbre
Check out this item on my affiliate link that i just ordered, You will be so glad you did!
Itsallaboutwinningsouls#ToGodbealltheGlory#RevealingtheTrueYou#LifeTrialsandTriumphs 💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑💎👑
Jer 11:11Scripture
As the Lord lays It upon your heart ❤️ to sow Into this Ministry:
Cash App: $BreMillioneress
PayPal: Millioneressbre49@yahoo.com
RevealingTheTrueYou: LifeTrialsAndTriumphs Book 📚 https://www.amazon.com/Life-Trials-Triumphs-Revealing-True/dp/1639725121/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1QLT7POHIVI0X&keywords=revealing+the+true+you+life+trials+and+triumphs&qid=1664218013&qu=eyJxc2MiOiItMC4wMSIsInFzYSI6IjAuMDAiLCJxc3AiOiIwLjAwIn0%3D&sprefix=%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-1
For prayer requests send email to: crownofgloryministries50@yahoo.com
Thank you so much to all of my New Subscribers Gods Bless you and welcome 🙏 to the family and if you have not subscribed we would love to have you come and join us to get an encouraging and edifying word on a daily basis. Like, share, and subscribe you guys, and Hit the bell 🛎 noti to get notifications each time I upload a video. Love you all and Many Blessings! Shalom
Salvation Prayer 🙏
Dear Lord Jesus,
Forgive me of my sins those that are known and unknown, and I repent of my sins. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose on the 3rd day. Come into my heart ❤️ I make you my Lord and my personal savior.
If you prayed this prayer 🙏 welcome 🤗 to salvation and to the Christian life and May the Lord Bless you! Get in a Bible based church ⛪️ where you can fellowship amongst other believers.
Subscribe to my new channel! I will be uploading some great content soon starting now! https://youtube.com/channel/UC4hHj8gkZYJzLBk_VsmAye
This is how it all started you guys! So answered the call to go back to the root of the beginning! Check out my podcasts on Spreaker.com link to my podcasts below: www.spreaker.com/cms/shows?filter=network=14703213
Check out items on my facebook page: www.facebook.com/Uniquely-Embellished
Check out my items on PoshMark: UniquelyEmbellished@123danbre
Check out this item on my affiliate link that i just ordered, You will be so glad you did!
